Jennifer Minich » ELA/ELD Teacher

ELA/ELD Teacher

Welcome to English Language Arts and English Language Development. I am very excited to be part of the Adams Middle School team and to be teaching ELA and ELD.
I have been with Redondo Unified School District for 11 years. Previous to my teaching career, I worked as a journalist for several local and national publications. For nearly 10 years I wrote a variety of news and feature pieces including a regular column in The Beach Reporter titled, "Insight Out."
However, I always knew I wanted to be a teacher and I always hoped I would be working at Adams Middle School. I was so excited when I was hired in 2017 to work part-time as an English Language Development Teacher. During this time, I was able to really get to know the students and staff of AMS and I really fell in love with the culture of this school. The following year, I was hired full-time to work as both an English Language Arts teacher and an ELD teacher. 
I grew up in Hermosa Beach and attended Hermosa Valley School, then graduated from Redondo Union High School. I earned my English Degree and teaching credentials at Cal State Dominguez Hills and continued to take extended education classes at San Diego State University. 
I live in Redondo Beach with my husband and two young children, my son Peter, age 8 and my daughter Penelope, age 10. 
I look forward to getting to know you and working with each of you. I always say that each of us has something to learn and something to teach. Therefore. I look forward to teaching and learning something from all of you.  


ELA 3/2-3/6

Monday- Review Chapter one and collected "About the Author" homework.
Learn how to look for and identify figurative language in Harriet Tubman. Describe the sample graphic organizer for the figurative language. Read chapter two and pay attention and discuss figurative language. Record findings in the chart. Finish for homework.
Tuesday Wednesday- Review chapter 2. Show and describe the "Reading Reflection" graphic organizer based on chapter 1. Use a blank graphic organizer to fill out needed information about chapter 2. 
Thursday Friday- Go over homework and check for understand of both chapter 1 and 2. Read chapter 3 and do a portion of the reading reflection. Homework ONLY if not finished in class.

ELA - 2/24-2/28

Monday- We will do a Know Wonder and Lear (KWL) Chart and vocabulary for Underground Railroad and Harriet Tubman. 
Tues/Wed- We will watch a video about the underground railroad answer questions and discuss expectations for our reading of Harriet Tubman and The Underground Railroad.
Thursday/Friday- We will pick up our books from the library and begin reading Harriet Tubman! :) 

ELD 2/24-2/28

Monday- check and reset our weekly goals. Read a story, discuss and answer questions and discuss
Tuesday- Bell Ringer - Kahoot! Read an article about TikTok discuss and watch a video and answer questions and journal. 
Thursday- Bell Ringer- "Would you Rather?"  small reading groups and Sonday

ELA 2/10-2/21 (periods 1,2,5)

This week we are working on our Explanatory Essay. The prompt asks students to write about how the person they choose, defended justice and human rights. For example, "How did Nelson Mandela defend justice and human rights?" Their choices of people are from the readings and analysis we have done in class. The choices are Nelson Mandela, Cesar Chavez, Gandhi and Mary Harris Jones AKA "Mother Jones" 
Two weeks ago, students were given a rubric for the assignment as well as instructions for what is expected and a graphic organizer to help formulate their two required sources for the essay. Last week they were given a graphic organizer that breaks down the essay line by line paragraph by paragraph. Additional supports such as specific graphic organizers for the body paragraphs and a power point for the introduction paragraph were also provided and are on Google Classroom. 
My tutorial is available specifically to help them with their essay and I have stayed after school on Wednesdays last, this and next week to help anyone who needs it. I am also available Monday and Thursdays after school by appointment. 
They had a writing workshop in class this week and they will be given one full class period to work on it next week. Those who are finished, will have the opportunity to do a peer and/or teacher edit. (I don't want this to be a homework-only situation.)
If you have time, ask them about their essay. The essay should look like this...
Sentence one- Hook
Sentence two - mention your first  text/source and the main idea of that source.
Sentence three -  mention your second text/source and the main idea of that source.
Sentence four - Thesis
First Body Paragraph
Sentence one- Topic sentence
Sentence two quote or concrete evidence from source/ text
Sentence three and four - your own analysis/commentary 
Sentence five - quote or concrete detail from your source/text
Sentence six and seven- your own analysis/commentary 
Sentence eight- concluding  sentence 
Second Body Paragraph
Same as the first but using the 2nd source
Conclusion paragraph
sentence one- Restate the Thesis in different words
Sentence two- call to action (give the reader something to think about)
(The essay is due next Thursday for period 2 and Next Friday for Period 1, 5 should be 12-font, Times New Roman and double-spaced)
Following next week, we will begin reading Harriet Tubman :) 
I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have any questions. 
Thank you,
Jennifer Minich 

2/4-2/7 ELD

Monday- Bell Ringer "Writing a note to your boss" and "Finding corrections in a note."
Weekly goal
Tues- Bell Ringer rewrite the note without mistakes. practice logging into ELPAC
Thursday- Take the ELPAC 
Homework help 

2/4-2/7 ELA

Monday- Work on one-pager (Nelson Mandela) 
Tuesday/Wednesday -  introduce the writing prompt and credible resources sheet. Work on graphic organizer for planning and research. Finish for homework.
Thur/Friday planning and research graphic organizer due. discuss how to write a thesis and what should be included of your first paragraph of your essay. Check planning/ research organizer
Planning Ahead-  Explanatory Essay is due 2/20 or 2/21

1/21-1/24 ELA

Tuesday/ Wednesday: Read, annotate and take a quiz)  

As a class we will read and annotate an article on human rights. Students will use the reading and annotation for their quiz (multiple choice quiz.) 


Thursday/Friday: We will read the Elegy on the Death of Cesar Chavez. We will examine the figurative language within the text. Students will have an activity to complete in class or for homework if it is not completed. 


Our unit essential question is: Why is it essential to defend human rights?

All of our readings revolve around this question.


During the past couple of weeks we read "About Cesar Chavez" and learned what he did for migrant farm workers. We also read an article about laws for young farm workers as well as watched a video looking at the lives of young migrant farm workers and the pros and cons of  laws that are aimed at protecting young farm workers. 

We also read a poem by Gwendlyn Brooks titled Speech to the Young as well as a story about Mary G. Harris known as Mother Jones who fought for child labor laws. 


Coming up- Next week on Friday we will have a test on figurative language 

1/21-1/24 in ELD

This week we will work on our family stories. Our family stories are narratives in which students are either re-telling a story that has been told to them by a close family member or they are writing about their own personal story. Each student is at a different stage in the writing process. Therefore, depending on where students are in the process, they will be doing something specific to their story's need.
We will also have some homework time and read an article from Achieve 3000.
Please ask your child to show you the story they are working on. Have them read it aloud. If they share the story with you, sign the paper I give them and they will be given PBIS points. 
Also ask them about their Lexile level and Lexile goal. If you sign the paper I give them regarding their Lexile and goals, indicating that you have seen it, I will give them PBIS points. 
Next week we will talk about artifacts and students will be asked to find an artifacts from their home and either describe it or take a picture of it to share.This is all part of their Family Heritage Project. 
Thank you, 
Jennifer Minich 

1/13-1/17 ELD

This week we will be working on our family stories. We will map out a sample story looking at story elements. Then you will map out your own story and had details as needed. The final draft of your story is due on Thursday 1/16/20. 

1/13-1/17 ELA

Monday - Read "Mother Jones" Found on Study Sync (McGraw Hill) and answer questions 1,2 and 5
Tuesday/Wed- Read "About Cesar" Do Blast and reading response (Found on Study Sync (McGraw Hill)
Thursday/Friday- Quiz on Human Rights Declaration (We will read this in class and annotate before the quiz)
Read "Elegy on the Death of Cesar Chavez"  found on Study Sync (McGraw Hill)
Remember to sign up for tutorials. If you were away at Science Camp you need to sign up for my tutorial to finish your Achieve 3000 test. 


For the past couple of weeks we have been working on our Heritage Project. You or a family member should have been interviewed and asked about your family tree. I appreciate you working with your children to give them as much information as possible (ask them to see their family tree online, we work with a program called This week they will recall a family story and write their family stories in their journal. They will again be coming to you to ask you to clarify the family story and elaborate or tell a new story. We will compile all of the information into one project and present the project when they return from winter break. 
As well as working on their Heritage Project part of the class, they are also reading from Achieve 3000 (a program on their chromebook.) Last week we read articles about heritage. They typically will read one I have chosen for them as one that they chose form themselves. 
If you have time, ask your children about their Heritage Project :) 
I will update the gradebook by Monday. The gradebook will reflect, their interviews, their family tree, their vocabulary and a reflection of their goal setting poster (that we made a few weeks back.)
  Please feel free to email me with any questions at  [email protected]  
Thank you,Mrs. Minich 

Last week, this week and next week ELA

Dec. 2-6th (Last week) students took an 11-point test based on The Hunger Games. The first part of the quiz was a 5-point multiple-choice quiz and the second part of the quiz was a character analysis in which students made a poster using quotes from the novel as supporting evidence. Students were graded on how well they chose quotes that depict characteristics and physical appearance of the characters from The Hunger Games. 
Our homework/classwork has been centered around our essential questions. Students have turned in two essential questions graphic organizers and they will turn in one more this week (Chapter 22 due Monday.) 
(All grades are updated and posted)
I introduced the final project to the students. The final project will be presented in a slide show or poster board and students will work in partners of their choice. They had time last week to choose partner and topic for their final project. The final project is worth 15 assessment points and it is due next week Friday, Dec. 19 for P.1 and 5 and Thursday Dec. 18 for period 2.
 We will not watch the movie in class. 
Dec. 9th-12th (This week)- This week we will finish The Hunger Games. On Monday we will review chapter 23 and read chapter 24. Tuesday (p.2) Wednesday (P.1, 5) Students will take an Essential Question quiz on Chapter 23 and they will read chapter 25. They will have half of the class period to work on their final project. Thursday/Friday  Students will read chapter 26 and work on final project. Students will need to turn in an outline for their final project. 
Dec. 15th-19th Next Week - Monday we will discuss the ending of The Hunger Games. Tuesday/Wednesday the final day to work on final project in class. Thursday/Friday - presentations of  final projects with discussions.  
Thank you,
Mrs. Minich

This week in ELA

Today we reviewed chapters 15 and 16 and filled out the character chart and read chapter 17 in class. The character chart for chapters 15, 16 and 17 are due next class. That will be the last character chart they turn in.
This week in class, we will finish chapters 18 and 19 and do an activity to go along with the readings (They may need to finish the activity if it is not finished in class.) On Thursday/Friday they will do the third settings analysis worksheet as a test grade. They have done two settings analysis worksheets for homework, but this will be done as an in-class assessment. (worth 8 points)
I will not assign homework for Thanksgiving Break. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving! :) 
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Mrs. Minich